I appreciate the difficult job you have in weighing the benefits vs. the detriments to taking funding from the state during these crazy times.  However, I’d encourage you to think about the pitfalls of walking down this route.

Continuing a declaration of local emergency is disingenuous and false. The riots have had the excellent benefit of confirming that we’re not all going to die from Covid just because we are around others.

Continuing a declaration of local emergency is causing panic and fear in the lives of citizens.  Truth is being drowned out by hysteria, exaggeration, and mandates based on bad or nonexistent data in the name of science.

It is fraudulent.  If the stated goal is to continue to get money from the state or federal government, but the Board is recognizing that there is no emergency, then the county of Orange is fraudulently applying for these grants. 

I urge you to not ratify, but rather rescind the local state of emergency.  In doing so, you will:

-          Be bold and truthful advocates for the actual reality of what is happening

-          Stop the cycle of government causing problems and then thinking they are fixing them

-          Help to alleviate the fears and phobias of the general population

-          And Be leaders, not politicians giving in to peer pressure, following everyone off the cliff

While I can understand it’s extremely tempting to take “free money”, please rescind the local order of emergency.

Thank you.