Why should you rescind the local health emergency?

Firstly, it’s continuing a lie.  Yes, people are dying from Covid, very few.  It’s nowhere near emergency numbers here in our county.  As the riots have shown us, it’s not a death sentence to be in crowds with other people.

Secondly, it’s allowing nonelected bureaucrats to have control over the lives of citizens, down to the minutia of whether we are allowed to breathe or not.  This is not what is meant by a free country, nor is what was envisioned by our founders, nor those who have fought and died for our freedoms throughout the years.

Thirdly, it’s creating paranoia, panic, mistrust and fear in the lives of citizens.  Instead of hearing that a mere 269 people, half of them SNF residents, have died in this county of 3.4 million people in four months, residents are hearing that “a state of emergency declaration is being continued” and that “emergency funding is being provided from the CARES act” and that Newsom is ordering everyone to wear masks.  Truth is being drowned out by hysteria, exaggeration, and mandates based on bad or nonexistent data in the name of science. 

Last, it’s fraud on the American taxpayer.  I’m sure you realize that these $2.5 million handouts here and there will eventually have to be paid off.  I, for one, am not willing to pay for the dubious benefit of the county feeling like it’s benefitting people by trickling out welfare to “help” a problem it created itself.

Do not take the tempting money; rescind the local state of emergency.