According to the US Citizenship and Immigration Services (I assume you are all citizens,) our first responsibility as US citizens is to Protect and Defend the Constitution. Where, in all of this, is your defense and protection of our Constitution?
It has become obvious to all who are paying attention, that Governor Newsom has no intention of ever rescinding the statewide state of emergency, regardless of “science.” Why should he? He believes he has the cover to behave like a king, dictating and mandating ever more harsh restrictions, even as the data on Covid is not bearing out an emergency, forcing cover-up measures, such as importing Covid cases from Mexico, counting “probable” cases as Covid cases, counting people presenting at hospitals with other ailments as Covid cases, double, triple, 15-times counting one person as multiple cases, and many more deceptions I am sure we eventually will discover.
What’s your plan? Are you just going to continue to take the money forever, as long as Newsom keeps himself in absolute power, being bribed into submission? Or are you going to take your duties as US citizens seriously, stand up for the truth, reject the lie that is being pressed onto the populace with millions of taxpayer money going toward propaganda of the same?
I, for one, take my responsibilities as a citizen seriously, calling out corruption and abuse of liberties as I see them. By continuing this invalid state of emergency, Orange County is contributing toward corruption and abuse, if not downright suppression, of our civil liberties. We have had enough.
Do not continue the state of emergency in Orange County. Be bold. Be courageous. Be US citizens who take your responsibilities seriously. “Who knows if you have been put in this place for such a time as this?”
Thank you.