Continuing the State of Emergency is fraud.
The dictionary’s definition of fraud is:
intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another to part with something of value or to surrender a legal right

This county has been complicit for many months now of the “intentional perversion of truth in order to induce another (the taxpayer) to surrender a legal right.” That legal right is freedom. That legal right is the ability to work and make a living for our families. That legal right is the ability to live without fear of government retaliation for the most basic of actions – breathing, earning a living, meeting with family and friends, or going to church.
What is the county’s rationale for continuing this perpetuation of fraud? Getting money from the state and federal governments for the sake of the “people” of this county. The handouts given to businesses are not even close to keeping a company running for a month, much less the five that this travesty has been going on. Businesses are closing right and left. People are running through savings and retirement money, amassing debt, and finally not able to feed their families.
What is the truth here? The only emergency is one of the government’s own making. 2.5 deaths per day from so-called Covid deaths (or appendicitis, or stroke, or whatever it really is) in a county of 3.4 million people, where 59 die EVERY DAY from normal things, does not, and has never constituted an emergency.
Rescind the state of emergency. Tell this county the truth.