Call me slow, but I have finally come to understand that you will not give up the money that comes your way for declaring a “state of emergency.” I have come up with a compromise that should make everyone happy (or no one happy, as the case may be, but at least it will be a step in the right direction.):
Spend our hard-earned taxpayer money on propaganda, but add the truth. So, instead of just declaring:
“3,383 Deaths so far in Orange County!”
Add to the bottom:
“Per CDC, only 6% of the deaths are “of” Covid; 94% are “with” Covid, including gunshot wounds, appendicitis, motorcycle accidents, etc.”

Instead of just declaring:
“Free Covid tests here”
“WHO just admitted that the cycles for determining positive cases should be set at 30 and that anything more was useless, whereas we have been setting cycles at such numbers as 47 and obtaining large numbers of false positives.”

Instead of just declaring:
“Stay home, stay safe”
Add below:
“The states with no lockdowns have similar cases per million as we do.”

Instead of just declaring:
“Wear a face mask”
“Check out mask studies – before the advent of Covid they amazingly all showed that face masks did not work for viruses”

Instead of just declaring:
“Come get your Covid vaccine”
“Reminder: this is an experimental, first ever mRNA biotic that has been developed in seven months (rather than seven years, as usual,) bypassed animal trials, bypassed mid or long-term human trials, and tested on aborted babies.”
By adding the truth to the media that you are entitled to use the Covid money on, you will be satisfying the state by declaring their propaganda which is focused on keeping people paralyzed in fear, while adding the truth so that people will be able to see both sides of the story on what they are constantly being brainwashed with. This will give people a chance to think for themselves in this.