- Free California - As a Business

Liberty Pilot

Free California - As a Business

What do we do to get California going at the business level?

Calls / Emails to: Businesses
Talking points:
  • Face masks are not required; there is a state-wide Health Department Guideline that is "mandating" masks. This is not law. [Resources about masks]
  • There is a long list of exceptions to the mask guidelines. As a business, please just assume that people who walk into the store not wearing a mask fall into this list. Do not ask; do not tell them that a mask is "required." It is not. If the guidelines "require" you to tell people that it's "required," a simple sign on your front door listing the guideline should suffice. Don't go overboard.
As a business you can:
  • Open up! (this is the MOST important) You may need to think WAY outside of the box for this to work with your business, but do it!
  • Recognize that the guidelines are just that -- guidelines, not laws
  • Be prepared for opposition. There will be people who want to shut you down. I am going to say that these people are working mostly out of fear, though I recognize there are many other motivations, as well. Know that if you have someone who doesn't like you, this will be the time for them to attack in sneaky ways. You have to be prepared for this, and willing to do what is necessary for freedom
  • Know your rights. As much as it seems like it, the Constitution has actually not been invalidated just because of a virus called Covid-19. It's not a bad idea to have a lawyer's number on speed-dial, but recognize that some lawyers are ruled by fear, too, and generally like to stay on retainer, so may not be super motivated to getting things open again. I'm not a lawyer, but this all seems like common sense to me. I know it's not simple, and it will cost a lot initially, but the cost of freedom was countless lives; let's not give that up, just because it's hard.
  • Know Your Rights!
  • Join others who are opening up!