COVID-19 Truths and Contrarian Science
Constitution and Rights | Vaccine | Covid-19 | Health Professionals Speak Out | Face Masks | Health | Essential/Hypocrisy | Rallies | Government Overreach | Reopening | Censoring | Economy | Media | Truth Check | Churches
Constitution and Rights
Victor Davis Hanson: FBI Should be broken up
People's Convoy heads to California to defend medical freedom
Minor victory: West Coast, Messed Coast™ Update: Newsom's Collapse on School Vaxx Mandates
Biden thinks we all need handlers to tell us what to do
Jewish family ejected from flight, passengers say due to maskless baby
Everything they don't like is now a public health emergency
Woman arrested for not wearing mask, mask forced on her in jail
The real goal of face masks: conditioning
Praise the Lord! Michigan's Supreme Court remembers who they are - strikes down Whitmer's executive lockdown order. Hopefully, California is next!
Teen Arrested at FL School after Refusing to Wear Mask
More tyranny from Newsom -- county opening status on "Equity Metric"
Michigan Supreme Court Terminates Governor's Emergency Powers!
Idaho Christians ARRESTED for Singing Hymns Maskless Outside City Hall in County with Zero Covid Deaths
Ohio Woman Arrested and Tased For Not Wearing a Mask at Son's Outdoor Football Game
Businesses defying Newsom and opening, as it their right!
Businesses - Know your rights!
If we ever get to this point, we will be in a very scary place: Nursery school forces children into plastic pods to enforce social distancing
Just to make it obvious that this is about perception, not health, government workers are ordered to wear masks AT HOME ALONE during virtual meetings!
The COVID Coup - and how to unlock ourselves
King Newsom's (so far) 400 laws changed by fiat since March
Ventura county implemented 'Mandatory Covid-19 Testing, Quarantine & Lockdown'
They Keep Moving the COVID-19 Goalposts: Will the Next Step Be Masks to Protect From the Flu and the Common Cold?
Covid Doesn't Control My God, My Liberty, My America
One nation under anarcho-tyranny
Couple gets ankle monitors, put on house arrest, for refusing to sign quarantine documents
Free Speach is now officially gone. Try it at your own risk
California Legislators Violate Our Constitutional Rights
NY county subpoenas people who won't talk to contact tracers
Driving Conservatives Underground
House Freedom Caucus chair: Mask mandates are 'symbolic' of an 'authoritarian state'
Child taken by state because parent has Covid-19
Teacher Spying on Student During Virtual Class Sends Cops to Search 11-Year-Old's Home After Spotting a BB Gun
Contact tracing is here, and it's even more frightening than imagined
The Long Tail of Consequences from COVID-19 Do We Realize How Much We Have Given Up During This Crisis?
We Have a Deep State Problem
Calif. Assembly Constitutional Amendment to Cut Off Public From Legislative Process During Emergencies
Will Americans Let Coronavirus Panic Destroy Their Liberty?
Coronavirus Immunity Cards? Kill the Idea Right Now
Coronavirus Vs. The Deep State Educational Complex
Killing Liberty, Coronavirus-Style
The Bill of Rights Matter - Even in a Pandemic
N.J Governor admits he never considered the Constitution while shutting down churches
Vaccine Brochure
1000 Peer Reviewed Studies Questioning Covid-19 Vaccine Safety
Delta is backing off its $200 monthly fine for unvaccinated employees less than a year after it announced the policy
Hmm... Doctors in the U.K., Spain, Scotland, and the U.S. are observing a big spike in "severe hepatitis cases" in children
Vaccinated people with mental health issues more likely to suffer a breakthrough COVID infection
Long-term Lancet study shows vaccines don't prevent death
Named list of athletes suffering injury or death after covid shot
Mexico's Eugenio Derbez interviews Fauci about the vaccine
CV Vaccine Candidates and abortion-derived cell lines
British Government Study Confirms Covid-19 Vaccine Risk: Infections INCREASE in Fortnight after Jab
Latest fetal cell line developed -- 2015 -- no info from where or which contry (though guess is China)
Fast Facts on Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns
VAERS database - search for COVID vacicne reported reactions
CV19 Vaccine and treatments in development - which aborted fetal cells are used
A pastor's outline on the Christian Vaccination Dillemma
Is this where they'll stick all you unmasked non-vaxxers?
DISHONEST NY Times Pretends All Anti-Vaxxers Are 'Far-Right'
CDC says it's fine for teachers to go back unvaccinated, but the WH doesn't want them to
Most common side effects: headache, fatigue, dizziness; 80% were women who reported side effects
Tony Blair: 'Inevitable' GLOBAL Vaccine Passports Should Be Implemented Now
Dr. Simone Gold speaks about health concerns
Dr. Lyons-Weiller at PA Capitol re: SARS-cov-2 and vaccines
Sign the Petition to stop forced experimental vaccines
California dies hours after COVID vaccine (and he'd ALREADY had COVID!)
Hundreds sent to emergency room after getting Covid-19 vaccines
Adverse reactions to vaccine causes "looking into" by the CDC and FDA
Pfizer Inc. vaccine kills 29 in Norway
California pauses large batch of Covid vaccines after multiple allergic reactions, and details on various doctors effected/killed, probably by the vaccine
Doctor explains why he prefers death over the COVID-19 vaccine
Dr. Simone Gold: The Truth about the CV19 Vaccine
13 people died during Moderna's COVID vaccine trial
Woman's severe reaction to Pfizer COVID vaccine prompts investigation
Positive association between COVID-19 deaths and influenza vaccination rates in elderly people worldwide
Sign the petition created by America's Frontline Doctors to stop forced, experimental vaccination
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler at a PA Medical Freedom Press Conference condemns current Covid vaccines
Covid vaccines not test to see if effective, useful, does anything
Big Pharma Sues Whistleblower Who Went Public about COVID-19 Vaccine Side Effects
Doctor Explains Why He Prefers Death Over The COVID-19 Vaccine
A "working list" of side effects of the COVID-19 vaccine, according to the FDA, include: -death -brain swelling -stroke -convulsions See for yourself before it's taken down:
CNN: 'Don't Be Alarmed' if People Start Dying After Taking the Vaccine
Four trial volunteers who got Pfizer's COVID-19 vaccine developed Bell's palsy - but FDA denies that the temporary facial paralysis was caused by the shot
COVID-19 Vaccine Candidates and Abortion-Derived Cell Lines
Australia ditches orders for 51M coronavirus vaccine doses after trial falters
Sweden's 'inconvenient COVID victory'
As we knew from the beginning, obesity is a huge factor in death from Covid
Study finds CDC inflated COVID numbers by 1,600% -- Concludes health authorities violated federal law
Biden adviser flounders when asked why California's lockdown hasn't worked
COVID political policy causing inflation
California: strictest and first lockdown, mask mandate since June; #1 hotspot fro Covid "cases"
Excellent video of Dr. Roger Hodkinson speaking to a Canadian government setting about the realities of the response to Covid
Johns Hopkins study shows no increase in deaths this year over last year. So much for COVID-19 -- "not alarming"
Ivy League epidemiologist says hard data don't convey COVID crisis on campus
Presidential election helps reveal the COVID con - even Fauci admits massive false positives
Report: 45% of Florida 'COVID-19 deaths' misclassified
Study: Closing schools hindered herd immunity
World Bank: Covid 19 Test Kits Were Ordered in 2017 -- The Disease Did Not Exist... Yet
'Rather die from COVID than loneliness': Nursing-home residents go rogue
WHO official: Lockdowns should not be the primary strategy to control COVID
Proof home-based treatment trumps the failed Fauci model
Did WHO official just admit that COVID-19 death rate is similar to that of the flu?
Why "less than 1%" inaccuracy in the PCR tests means 90% false positives
Great site for Covid info of all sorts (numbers dealing with the UK, but excellent articles on the tests used, etc.) Here's snippets from an interview with the doctor
Fauci: Temperature Checks Inaccurate
New CDC Coronavirus Survival Rates Torches the Democrats' Lockdown Regime
What If Our Medical Overlords Reacted to a Common Cold Like They Have to Coronavirus?
"Covid" victim didn't have Covid -- malpractice?
Covid-19: Do many people have pre-existing immunity? Study
COVID-19 'herd immunity' without vaccination? Teaching modern vaccine dogma old tricks
COVID vs. flu study demolishes left's school narrative
Brown U. epidemiologist finds zero hospitalizations from 26,000 positive COVID tests for college students
Thousands of cases but ZERO hospitalizations in colleges: This is GOOD news. But states and colleges force draconian lockdowns
How a supposed COVID '2nd round' could be used to disrupt election
6 million Covid cases? Well, 56 million FLU cases. Why the fear?
How the COVID-19 Fear Peddlers Lost Their Credibility
Even the NY Times admits testing is producting false positives
Medicine (un)censored - a site by an MD about latest Covid studies, censored doctors, and so forth
COVID-19 results but never got tested
Second wave?
Robert F. Kennedy Educates Alan Dershowitz On Vaccines, Masks
Florida admits to counting hip fracture falls, gun shot wounds, Parkinson's disease, motorcycle accidents as Covid deaths
Full lockdowns do NOT reduce coronavirus mortality rate: Study
Timeline: Pandemic Driven Erosion of Freedoms — Decades in the Making
Schools have low coronavirus infection rate, German study finds
'Sudden surge' in coronavirus in infants is false, official says
MD calls Media Malpractice
20-year-old 'COVID victim' died in motorcycle crash, according to doctor
COVID chaos: A prison without bars
Dr. Carrie Madej on the Dangers of the Corona Vaccine
For People Under Age 45 the COVID-19 Mortality Rate is Almost 0%
Wow, 100% positive Covid tests. No wonder the "cases" are going up.
Coronavirus Daily Deaths Down 92.4% From Peak, Have Declined Ten Straight Weeks
Supervisor Kirk Uhler on Placer county's numbers being meaningless, yet having to shut down
What a suprise. Herd immunity is the way to go.
Where's the Spike in COVID-19 Deaths?
Excellent summary of actual Covid info by Dr. Kelly Victory, MD
Coronavirus Deaths as Percent of Population Tracker, By Country
CDC numbers show actual Covid deaths 15,243 - 45,000 (if you include inflated statistics)
Wonder why the number of cases is going up and we're having "spikes"?
Texas Lt. Governor on Fauci: 'He Has Been Wrong Every Time on Every Issue'
Yet more fiddling with numbers to add "cases"
Covid19 & the wisdom of Herds
New study documents that hydroxychloroquine does work
MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED — CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
The Pandemic of 2020 is over — but don't expect media to cover it
Is the COVID Surge More Fake News?
COVID-19 death rate is 75% lower in states that didn't lock down: WSJ
OC Board of Supervisors, Health Department confirming that appendicitis, fall-caused, other deaths listed as Covid (start at 2:50:00)
Orange County inflated its coronavirus test numbers by mistakenly including antibody tests, officials say
Video of Illinois health official & Governor Pritzker saying the same for their state. It's the same everywhere
Flatten the fear - real Covid information to the people, what an idea!
The Miserable Pseudo-Science Behind Face Masks, Social Distancing And Contact Tracing
Media articles on 2nd COVID-19 wave 'incite,' rather than inform
What If I Trust Science and Don't Trust Dr. Fauci?
Public Health Experts Have Undermined Their Own Case for the COVID-19 Lockdowns
WHO: Asymptomatic Infected Rarely Spread COVID-19
Stat chart showing mortality rates from CDC
Facility retesting residents and staff following false COVID-19 positives
Swiss Policy Research - Facts about Covid-19
The CDC confirms remarkably low coronavirus death rate
Study with 455 people exposed to asymptomatic Covid virus cariers; 0 infected
Pennsylvania reports: average coronavirus death age 79; Average PA life expectancy 78
Montezuma County disputes state's coronavirus death count
Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed
'This Is Insanity': Tucker Carlson Questions The 'Science' Behind The Shutdown
A virus more dangerous than Covid-19
Pa. removes 200 deaths from state coronavirus count as quiestions mount about reporting process, accuracy
Non-government experts advise "herd immunity"
No, That White House Press Room 'Hot Mic' Revealing COVID-19 Stats Wasn't a Conspiracy. It Wasn't Even Fake News
Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer
If Half the Country's COVID Deaths Were in Montana, Would New York Shut Down?
New Study Shows Coronavirus Infections Much Higher, Death Rate Much Lower Than Reported
OC Health Info - Actual Covid numbers in OC
Health Professionals Speak Out
Dr. Bryan Ardis: Remdesivir Was Never 'Safe' And Fauci Knew It
ER doctor says he's never seen anyone sick with Covid, plus long list of articles of people dead after the CV "vaccine"
America's Frontline Doctors
Dr. James Lyons-Weiler at a PA Medical Freedom Press Conference condemns current Covid vaccines
Renowned scientist tells Laura Ingraham the COVID-19 vaccine is 'downright dangerous' and will send you 'to your doom'
Where's your medical degree?
'Resume life as normal': Over 6,500 scientists and health professionals sign anti-lockdown petition
Former Chief Science Officer for Pfizer Says "Second Wave" Faked on False-Positive COVID Tests, "Pandemic is Over"
Belgian Medical Profession Demands a Halt to Covid Pandemic Propaganda
"We Have A Lot of Evidence That It's A Fake Story All Over The World" -- German Doctors on COVID-19
Front Line Doctors Speak Out On COVID Cures and Misinformation
OSHA trainer Tammy Clark speaks out against the mask mandates
Dr. Littell, MD: Why Increasing Number of Cases of COVID-19 is NOT Bad News
"Arguments Against Wearing A Face Mask" by Ventura County CA Health Officer
Dr. Atlas: Why Closing Schools in the Fall Doesn't Agree with the Science
Dr. Jeffrey I. Barke, M.D. speaks about rise in cases, treatment
Denis Rancourt, PhD talks about Mask trials: they don't work
Dr. Scott Altas
The PCR Testing Debacle by Dr. Pam Popper
Excellent summary of actual Covid info by Dr. Kelly Victory, MD
US Scientist: Manufactured Pandemic: Testing People For Any Strain of Coronavirus, Not Specifically COVID-19
Nurse tells how the transfers from Mexico are happening
Dr. Kaufman explains much, including how the Covid "virus" hasn't been isolated
Orange County doctor speaks out against lockdown
Epidemiologist: Coronavirus could be 'exterminated' if lockdowns were lifted
Why are we ignoring all the contrarian scholars on COVID-19?
NY doctor: Treating the wrong disease
New York Undercover Nurse Confirms COVID-19 Criminal Hoax
Riverside Nurse discusses medical kidnapping of Mexican residents in order to up case numbers
Lawrence B. Palevsky, MD
An RN explains her face mask experience
Face Masks
Face Mask Brochures (showing studies and medical facts)

47 studies confirm ineffectiveness of masks for COVID and 32 more confirm their negative health effects
The CDC Just Extended Its Mask Mandate On Planes... Again
An excellent primer on the ineffectiveness of facemasks
Enough Is Enough: Time to Finally Follow the Science on Masks
CDC recommends putting panty hose over your face along with mask -- Technique developed with mannequins, not tested on actual humans
Never-ending cover-up: Fauci says mask-wearing in 2022 is possible
Rand Paul's disturbing face-mask prediction
(Not a) surprise! New mask study shows yet again that wearing a mask is worse than not wearing one
Danish mask study: no difference in cases or transmission
Logic: Do masks work at all?
Crazy: Biden wants to mandate face masks on all interstate highways - in your vehicle!
Brain Damage From Masks CANNOT BE REVERSED
CDC: 85% of COVID-19 patients report 'always' or 'often' wearing a mask
Do Masks Really Work? Here's What the Charts Tell Us
Yet another expert speaks out against face masks
Mask wearing mandated in countries and resulting graphs
Case numbers after masks made mandatory
CDC: No difference in contagion whether wearing mask or not
If Masks Work, Why Don't They WORK?
How We Have Been Lied to so Dramatically About Masks
Dentists Warn Prolonged Use of Masks Leading to Poor Oral Hygiene
Elderly cancer survivor banned from bingo for not covering breathing hole in neck
Mask-wearing priest collapses and dies at the pulpit while giving a sermon at his church in Cameroon
No surprise: Scientists find wearing certain masks may be more dangerous than wearing none at all
The Moral Case Against Mask Mandates And Other COVID Restrictions
Fauci's Lies and the Political Cowardice of Mask Mandates
More mask fun: mouth sores
Fauci: cameras off, mask off
California mask mandate increases Covid cases
Study reveals long term effects of face coverings
Long list of studies, quotes by health officials, about the dangers of face masks
New Study shows AGAIN: Masks don't work
Overview of Face Mask studies showing effectiveness
Masks Likely Do Not Inhibit Viral Spread
Medical Study Proves Wearing A Mask During 6-Minute Walk 'Significantly Increased Dyspnea'
Study: Pathophysiological changes associated during exercise with facemasks
Common sense on the mask issue?
Mask mandates are a public health menace
Mask use - rise in pneumonia
Mask to mask transmission; masks don't work, why are we requiring them?
WHO says people should NOT wear masks while exercising
Nurse talks about face masks (around 20 min mark)
No Mask, No Toilet: 10-Year-Old Denied Bathroom Access for Not Having a Mask
Coronavirus: Officials warn some N95 masks not effective against spread
Until We Have Faces: The American Niqaab
Dr. Rashid A Buttar - Talking about side effects of masks
Dr. Fauci says 2nd wave may not come, masks are a nice gesture
Schools Kids in Masks? A Boatload of Problems
Do Masks and Respirators Prevent Viral Respiratory Illnesses?
Mask Facts From an RN & 6 Things that Weaken Our Immune Systems
Dr. Blaylock: Face Masks Pose Serious Risks To The Healthy - Hypoxia and Hypercapnia
Preliminary Report on Surgical Mask Induced Deoxygenation During Major Surgery
Trump shares tweet that argues face masks represent 'silence, slavery, and social death'
Fauci admits face masks are a "symbol"
Cloth masks - dangerous to your health?
Two 14 year old boys die because of wearing masks in gym class
Jogger's Lung Collapses After Running With Face Mask
Face Masks Can Be Deadly To Healthy People Says Neurologist
Masks-for-all for COVID-19 not based on sound data
Help, Officer... I'm Being Murdered by an Unmasked Gunman
COVID-19 has revealed an abyss between friends and neighbors, right and left, freedom-lovers and authoritarians
New Jersey driver crashes car after passing out from wearing N95 mask
Have masks become a political weapon?
Study shows impact on human thermoregulation
Yeah, these masks look like they'll be sterile
Your mask is making you meaner, dumber, more afraid, and less safe
Back in 1918 they already studied cloth masks; not effective
Increased risk of upper respiratory infection from cloth masks.
"Prolonged wearing of the surgical mask causes loss of intellect potential and cognitive performance due to a decrease in blood oxygen and subsequent brain hypoxia. Note - some changes may be irreversible." "Report on surgical mask induced deoxygenation during major surgery"
"Seventy percent of the patients showed a reduction in partial pressure of oxygen (PaO2), and 19% developed various degrees of hypoxemia. Wearing an N95 mask significantly reduced the PaO2 level"
"Wearing N95 masks results in hypooxygenemia and hypercapnia which reduce working efficiency and the ability to make correct decision." ... "Medical staff are at increased risk of getting 'Severe acute respiratory syndrome' (SARS), and wearing N95 masks is highly recommended by experts worldwide. However, dizziness, headache, and short of breath are commonly experienced by the medical staff wearing N95 masks. The ability to make correct decision may be hampered, too." "Chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia influences cognitive function"
"Hypercapnia status has been shown to predict mild cognitive impairment
Chronic hypoxia-hypercapnia has been seen as a cause of cognitive impairment Healthy immune systems begin with balanced flora. Sanitizing, isolation, masks and gloves do not promote healthy immune systems. It lowers immune systems.
Johns Hopkins medical professor sounds the alarm: Kids are 10 TIMES more likely to die of suicide than coronavirus
Hospitals see uptick in liver disease related to pandemic alcohol abuse
FDA Issues New Warnings on Hand Sanitizers - Hundreds of Americans Poisoned This Month
Altering Human Genetics Through Vaccination
Lack of Vitamin D raises C19 infection risk by 77%
Newly Published Outpatient Study Finds that Early Use of Zinc, Hydroxychloroquine and Azithromycin Is Associated with Less Hospitalizations and Death
Redfield and Birx, the same ones who knowingly falsified scientific data about HIV, on coronavirus task force
Dr. Fauci and COVID-19 Priorities: Therapeutics Now or Vaccines Later?
One America: All the Times Dr. Fauci Was Wrong. Why are we listening at all?
It's starting - deaths "related" to covid from not getting care on time
On Medical Freedom: COVID hype and hope
How patients lose out: When politics cancel science
Prominent doctor offers to give Trump a second opinion. Questions why Fauci's the only one we hear.
Rand Paul urges Fauci: Let kids go bakck to school
A retired physician's take on epidemiologists
600 Physicians Say Lockdowns Are A 'Mass Casualty Incident'
Paper discussing why antibody testing doesn't work
Dr. Thomas Cowen takes on Virus theory
Alan Dershowitz: State has right to 'plunge a needle into your arm'
'A Year's Worth of Suicide Attempts in the Last Four Weeks': California Doctor Calls for End to Lockdown
Woman died during childbirth from treatable condition due to hospital lockdown
'Social Distancing' is Snake Oil, Not Science
Did I Already Have COVID-19?
Fauci knew about HCQ in 2005 -- nobody needed to die
Professor Warns Cancer Deaths Due to COVID Disruption Will Be Greater Than Deaths From Coronavirus
Caught on Camera: W.H.O. Scientists Question Safety of Vaccines
Because CA teachers refusing to teach in person deserves a bonus, COVID relief monty now going to bonuses
Common sense Mike Rowe on everyone being essentail
Americans locked down, but Covid-positive illegal aliens released with no contact tracing into the community
Oh look! Teachers union president who's been fighting to keep public schools closed caught taking daughter to private in-person preschool
Here's what they really think: Brewery owner says he caught health inspector dancing after ordering his business to close
Yuck, more Fauci. This time on Cuomo.
Unbelievable: Fauci wins $1 million prize for 'courageously defending science'
California School board resigns after mocking parents who want their kids back in school
New Mexico Governor spends $13,500 taxpayer money in gourmet food/alcohol during lockdown
Denver Mayor Michael Hancock - his traveling during lockdown was "ethical"
They're not even pretending any more. Watch as Governor Cuomo lectures us about the importance of wearing a mask while no one is wearing a mask.
Another One! San Jose Mayor Ignored His Own Health Protocols to Visit Elderly Parents During Thanksgiving
WATCH: Kaleigh opens a presser with looped video of leftists breaking their own lockdown rules
Aaaand another one: Austin Mayor lectured the common folk about staying home while he was on vacation in Cabo
LA Supervisor Sheila Kuehl eats at a restaurant hours after she votes to shut down outdoor dining
Gretchen Whitmer admits it: No release from lockdown without a vote for Joe Biden
Why CA Dems Suddenly Take Issue with Ballot Harvesting
Media outlets pull reporters from Air Force One assignment
Gavin Newsom goes 'Bananas': 'Don't forget to keep your mask on in between bites'
Hypocrisy alert! See Sen. Dianne Feinstein walk through airport without a mask after demanding mask mandates
Multi-billion dollar Lululemon encourages social media to 'resist capitalism'
Rallies superspreaders, but BLM protests and rioting, of course, OK
Blow dry OK for Pelosi, just not for the rest of us
The hypocrisy never ends: D.C. Exempts Lawmakers, Government Employees From New Mask Order
Fauci: cameras off, mask off
NYC Mayor De Blasio: All Large Gatherings Banned Except For Black Lives Matter Protests
The Anti-American Pattern Of Elites' Coronavirus Restrictions
Newsom: singing in church - bad; protesting (Floyd and police) and rioting - no comment
MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED — CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
There is no scientific data that show masks save lives, so why vote for Biden who would dictate that we all wear them?
Americans Should Never Again Comply With Pandemic Lockdown Orders
Bizarro World Coming to a Neighborhood Near You
Whites only: County exempts 'people of color' from mask mandate
Coronavirus shutdowns: Why does transportation get a pass?
Rioters, OK, but women praying arrested for violating social distancing guidelines
OAN: COVID-19 Lockdowns are dead
The Lockdowns Are Now Intentional Cruelty
The Protest Loophole
You're Nonessential -- Keep your mouth shut!
Lockdown Zealots Are Behaving Like Cult Members
Cops lecture parents about son's toy gun -- after Zoom snitch
Health secretary ordered nursing homes to take COVID patients, then moves own mother out
America - Land of the Docile Sheeple
A Plague of 'Credentialed' Experts
The Wuhan Virus Pandemic has Exposed the American Ruling Class
George Stephanopoulos Violates Quarantine, Police MIA
Do governors have the right to decide which human activities are essential?
Come Back California - Soli Deo Gloria
We Have Rights Rallies
California police toe governor's line, halt protests at State Capitol
Scores of people gather in Huntington Beach to protest coronavirus stay-at-home orders
Rallies to reopen economy spread across country as officials urge caution to prevent coronavirus resurgence
Government Overreach
Recall Gavin NewsomCalifornia "delays" COVID-19 vaccine mandate for schoolchildren until 2023
Biden COVID Czar: Little Kids Should Still Wear Masks Because CDC Says So
UK COVID police state: Draconian requirements, 10 years in prison if caught avoiding the law
WATCH: Police send late-night 'Gestapo to intimidate' mom for Facebook remark
No pretending anymore: US rejoined Paris accord, without Senate ratification... who cares about the people?
America gets warned: Biden's 'equity' will involve 'coercion'
Gavin Newsom Edges Ahead in the Country's Dumbest Governor Competition
Courts aren't enough to stop governors' power grabbing
Report: U.S. may block Americans from re-entry if they're exposed to coronavirus
Regardless of the truth of the mask issue, a lawmaker now wants to charge people with murder for not wearing a mask!
California pastor defies coronavirus church orders and says he'll run for governor
California's Gavin Newsom orders wineries shut, keeps his own open
Two Americas: Risk-Tolerant vs. Zero-Risk — Will One Ruin the Other?
Where we're going?
Is It Time for the Department of Justice to Stop the Lockdown Insanity?
If 'Congress Shall Make No Law...' Why Can Governors?
Our Dress Rehearsal for a Police State
The OC Board of Supervisors vote unanimously on safety guidelines required to reopen businesses
Maryland Governor Decrees That Only Essential Workers Who Show Their Papers Can Get Haircuts
Montana County Orders Residents to Wear Mandatory Pink Wristbands in Order to Shop -- Or Get Reported to Police
Nancy Pelosi Wants You to Sit Down, Shut Up, and Obey Government Coronavirus Decrees
5 Civil Rights Americans Lost to the COVID-19 Panic
Singing in a Livestream Church Service Could Land You in Prison
NY Bars and Restaurants Win Court Victory Against Cuomo's COVID Curfew
College lifts ban on outdoor exercise after N.Y. Times questions 'Covid absolutism'
Over 50,000 Restaurants In Italy Declare "I Am Open" Defying Lockdown Measures
Bar in England pretending to be a church to beat Covid rules
Good on you: 100 Colorado businesses defying COVID lockdown orders
'We have not seen a connection': California opens some schools, finds no link to increased COVID cases
Press no longer interested in Florida after underwhelming death counts weeks after reopening
Finally some officials standing up: DA declares California county a 'sanctuary county' for church worship gatherings
Praise the Lord! Judge refuses to shut Ventura County church that has defied COVID-19 health order
Major study finds kids 'very minor players' in COVID transmission
Finally ministries are calling for churches to reopen
Arizona takes lead in herd immunity
Trump Admin Strips CDC of Control of CV Data, Info To Now Go Directly To Central DC Database
Businesses Chafing Under Covid-19 Lockdowns Turn to Armed Defiance
MASSIVE CDC FRAUD UNCOVERED — CDC Grossly Overcounting Active China Coronavirus Cases Causing States to Keep Their Economies Closed Indefinitely
Don't Be Fooled, Recent Coronavirus Data Suggests the Lockdowns Were a Colossal Mistake
Maxine WAters: "Protesters should be ashamed, I don't want businesses to open back up"
Atwater declares itselft 'sanctuary city' for business, allows owners to open
So far, no spike in coronavirus in places reopening, U.S. health secretary says
Current State of Emergency in California Illegal and Invalid
Someone's doing something about it! Take a look here for others in OC wanting to open up NOW.
Tucker: WHO 'Admitting' Sweden's 'Model' Is Working But US Plicy Makers Won't 'Abandon A Sweeping Power Grab'
Godspeak Pastor Rob McCoy: "They did the right thing; the wrong way: Five Facts about COVID-19
Professor Mike Adams refuses to back down as he fights to #ReopenNC
Experts surprised to find no evidence of COVID-19 spike from Wisconsin's in-person voting
Cutting edge! Hair-salon owner rebels against stay-at-home orders, opens to public
San Clemente Votes to open beaches up, maybe by week's end
Medical Experts Appear on 'Life, Liberty, and Levin' to Urge Leaders to Reopen America
America's Huddled Masses Yearn to Breathe Free
Trump: What's up, Doc?
What does reopening look like?
Enough Already
Pulling the Tooth Slowly
Tanzania fears God, not Covid; bans masks
'Masks work? NO': Twitter removes anti-mask tweet from Dr. Scott Atlas
Dr. Andrew Kaufman Trafalgar Square London Speech at Covid-19 Protest - Instantly Censored!
Big Tech Company Reconsiders Relying on the SPLC After Hearing About Scandals, Terror Attack
UK pastor facing LGBT arson threat; police say "just don't be offensive"
Twitter censoring whatever it doesn't like, too
Google blacklists American Thinker and reverses it after its blacklisting of conservative sites is exposed
Book blowing the whistle on 'China Virus' banned by Amazon
Dr. Scott Jensen under investigation for pointing out inflation of COVID numbers
YouTube censors epidemiologist Knut Wittkowski for opposing lockdown
YouTube censors ER doctors urging end of lockdown
MI governor vs street protest: a sign of what is coming
The wave of COVID bankruptcies has begun
Congressional Research Service delivers forecast on COVID's impact on economy
Medical expert: 'Told you so' about lockdowns being a mistake
The worldwide lockdown: Likely the greatest mistake in history
California becomes first state to borrow federal money to pay unemployment claims
Study: Lockdowns Save NO Lives. Are Politicians Destroying the Economy for NOTHING?
Was Killing the American Economy Absolutely Necessary?
Ron Paul: What if Lockdown was a big mistake?
Who really victimized our economy -- the virus or Dr. Fauci?
Big Tech now is coming after everyday conservatives
Google hiding information, making topics vanish, purging sites from results
MD calls Media Malpractice
Coronavirus hype biggest political hoax in history
Truth Check
Kamala's claim undermined by Fauci's confirmation of vaccine plan
Dr. Fauci's Mind-Numbingly Stupid Remarks About COVID Deaths
13 Named arsonists (more arrested). Criminals, not climate change, responsible for some of the fires
Online Event: Unbiased: Unvarnished Truth Behind Race in America
Guy testing positive asked to lie and create video saying he had sa severe illness so that other people will be "more informed"
Yes, masking surgeons is also detrimental to their health
Was it ever really about the virus?
'We need some perspective' on U.S. COVID-19 death toll
How Fear, Groupthink Drove Unnecessry Global Lockdowns
Fauci lied about AIDS, and now is lying about COVID-19
Washington Inflates COVID-19 Numbers, Includes Gunshot Victims Among Deaths
Many Coronavirus cases in CA are brought in from Mexico, inflating our numbers
Candace Owens accuses Connecticut governor of lying about coronavirus death, calls for resignation
Colorado amends coronavirus death count - says fewer have died of COVID-19 than previously reported
Gunshot wounds, alcohol poisoning counted as covid deaths
COVID: breathing ventilators, New York, death rate
Dr. Jeff Barke Critizes COVID-19 Response at California Protest
Tanzania president test goats, sheep, fruit -- test positive (video censored by YouTube)
Author of '2.2 million dead' study bankrolled by Big Pharma
The Most Insane and Infuriating Inconsistencies of the Coronavirus Era (Part II)
A Wizard of Oz Virus: The COVID-19 Hoax
Veritas video: NYC funeral directors doubt accuracy of coronavirus fatality count
Propoganda Pulpits: Pastors recruited to promote CV vaccinations, made from aborted baby cell lines
Praise the Lord! SCOTUS Reiterates Its Open-Door Policy on Churches
Supreme Court sides with churches against California on coronavirus restrictions
5 religious groups fined $15,000 each for daring to gather amid COVID lockdown
Pastor John MacArthur compares anti-Christian COVID tyranny to Hitler, Stalin beginnings
John MacArthur explains Romans 13 and today's times: start at 7:27