- Free California - Countywide

Liberty Pilot

Free California - Countywide

What do we do to get California going at the city level?

Calls / Emails to:
Talking points:
  • The lockdown was reluctantly agreed to in the beginning for 15 days to "slow the spread" and "not overwhelm the hospitals." As both of those goals have been met, the economy should now be completely opened
  • Rescind the local state of emergency: There is no emergency that is requiring emergency powers. An emergency looks like this: An oil spill happens on the freeway, and the health department is allowed to order that anyone in the area dealing with it wears a hazmat suit for cleanup. It does not mean months upon months of deciding every minutia of life forever.

    Firstly, continuing a declaration of local emergency is disingenuous and false. The only emergency is the continued interference of the government in private enterprise and the pushing of an agenda that leads to fear, paranoia, distrust, and division of the people of the county. Where is this to lead? Is the county planning on continuing this so-called emergency until no one ever dies again? Or just no one from Covid? Or no one from other respiratory diseases that come along? If this is the case, and the county is planning on continuing this as long as there is death and disease, my suggestion would be that we come up with some laws concerning the limiting of powers during "emergency" declarations. I doubt very much that the original framers of the Constitution, nor the legislators who developed the current "state of emergency" laws had in mind for unelected officials to have permanent dictatorial power over the lives of citizens.

    Secondly, continuing a declaration of local emergency is causing panic and fear in the lives of citizens. Instead of hearing that a mere [insert county-specific number] people, half of them SNF residents [again, for OC, may bed different for your county), have died in this county of [county-specific] million people, residents are hearing that "a state of emergency declaration is being continued" and that "emergency funding is being provided from the CARES act" and that Newsom is ordering everyone to wear masks. The riots have had the excellent benefit of confirming that we're not all going to die from Covid just because we are around others. Truth is being drowned out by hysteria, exaggeration, and mandates based on bad or nonexistent data in the name of science. This Board is complicit in that by continuing the state of emergency in our County.

    Lastly, continuing a declaration of local emergency is fraudulent. If the stated goal is to continue to get money from the state or federal government, but the Board is recognizing that there is no emergency [(as the May 4th memorandum attached to the day's agenda showed "Based on hospitalization data, Orange County has not experienced a crisis level of COVID-19 cases.")] then the county is fraudulently applying for these grants. While they may be helpful for the few lucky ones who receive a parcel of money, this is ultimately at the taxpayers' expense, and a cycle of handouts that ultimately do nothing but prolong the issue.
  • If this is about "science," why are all the contrarian scientists ignored?